Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tet project assignment

As Tet is approaching, we are continuing with our "Tet book". For this week, your task will be similar to the last assignment, where you will draw a picture of one aspect of Tet and have a small research to go with it.

- Sanny : kitchen god
- Kimberley: visiting relatives
- Nhan Thu: tranh Đông Hồ (famous painting)
- Yuen Yin: Câu đối Têt
- Jessica: chợ Tết ( Tet market)
- Jinny: year of the snake
- Quoc Linh: watermelon

The rest of the class will product a painting about Tet. Think of it as a front cover page, you can include many items, views of Tet. For the front cover, you don't need to have research to go with it, but I'll be expecting a more details and better quality painting.

The assisgnment is due next Monday, 4th January.

See me if you have any questions, especially those with specific item to do. Below are some examples of the cover that you could do.



  1. You spelled Januray wrong

  2. Ms.Duyen so bad.... Why can I not do the painting????

  3. So do we draw what we are given like I will have to draw a market for tet

    1. yes Jessica. It'd be easier and better if you choose the markedt Tet from a countryside or a long time ago. If you google image "Tranh cho Tet", you will see some examples.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Do the rest of the class have to do the assignment of only the product about Tet?
    If the assignment, i will do the chuc Tet .

  6. Ms Duyen,
    Can I do a drawing about 2 children giving candies and Mut Tey\t to each other?
    Also write a little introduction about it. Please ;(

    Thank you

  7. Actually Ms Duyen
    I am sorry to bother you, but I'll do something that is like a front page. :(

  8. So I need to do the watermelons...
