Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Twins research

"Family structure and relationship" is our topic for this week Vietnamese Culture lesson. During the lesson, children explored the relationship between parents & children and between siblings. There was great discussion on the pros and cons of being the oldest, youngest and the only child.
At the end of the discussion, we crossed the perspectives on twins. Do twins have different ideas, different experiences on the matters?
To help us to have a better idea on twins, Vietnamese Culture homework for this week is: " to search for an interesting fact regarding twins and comment on this post." Your comment can be facts, example, case studies...

I'm looking forward to read your wonderful research.


  1. Fun Facts..
    Abigail and Brittany Hensel was born on March 7th 1990
    are conjoined twins. The first day they were born the doctor thought that they wouldn't last an hour.

    1. The world record for difference in twins birth dates was in with US mother Peggy Lynn who had her babies 84 days apart in 1995 and 1996.

  2. The First twin was born in 945 AD in Armenia but they died after 3 days because they had a problem.

  3. These are the names for a boy and a girl twin.

    Fraternal (or dizygotic) twins - single pregnancy with two children, from two different fertilized eggs.

  4. 22 % percent of twins are left handed, compared to 10% in singletons

  5. In the birth records for 59,000 women between 1800 and 1970, researchers found that woman who gave birth to twins live longer, have healthier children and appear to be healthier themselves, says lead author Ken R. Smith.

  6. Usually if mom is not health, the twins will stick together and share everythings like brain, body,or legs. We can sperate but if we did that, one baby is die and one baby need to live. Holly and I are very lucky.
    So if you get twins, you need to be health.

  7. Most people are familiar with Identical and Fraternal twins, but in reality, there are 7 different kinds of twins. They are: identical, fraternal, half-identical, mirror image twins, mixed chromosome twins, superfecundation, and superfetation. However, the reason most people are only familiar with identical and fraternal is because the other types are quite rare.

  8. The oldest twins ever documented are Eli Shadrack and John Meshak Phipps (USA) born on February 14, 1803 in Affington, Virginia. Eli died on February 23, 1911 at the age of 108 years; his brother John died on December 10, 1916 at the age of 113. The chance of identical twins both reaching and surpassing the age of 100 is about 1:700,000,000 (one in 700 million).

  9. My Five Facts about twins
    1. 40% of all twins (when able to speak), can invent their own language.

    2. Twins share the same DNA but they don't have identical fingerprints.

    3. If a woman has a set of twins, it will be 3 to 4 more times likely to have a second set.

    4. 22% of twins are left-handed. For singletons, it's 10%.

    5. Nigeria's population have the largest birth rate of giving birth to twins.

  10. Sometimes the younger twin has more progress than the older one at school. Mostly for girls

  11. There are an estimation to be approximate 125 million twins in thew world and just 10 million monozygotic twins.

  12. But identical twins can get sick very differently
    In 1983, two identical twin infant boys were given a blood transfusion contaminated by HIV; 10 later, one has an almost-normal spread the system while the other is faring much worse.

  13. Male twins will not have twins unless their wives have the ability to produce two eggs.

  14. When twins are stuck together by the head, the chest, the bottom, the back or the organs the are known as or called as Conjoined Twins

  15. To fix Son's comment they died when they were seperated. The seperation wasn't a success so they both died

  16. There are two conjoined twins that lived the longest the twins are (the twins were both aged 63):
    Chang and Eng Bunker ( Thailand May 11 1811 )
    Giacomo and Giovanni Battista Tocci (Italy 1877)

  17. Identical twins share the same DNA but do not have the same fingerprints.

  18. 22% of twins are left handed, but in general population, the number shrinks to 10%.

  19. If twins are separated, they will still end up like each other
