Thursday, December 20, 2012

Life of Pi, the film

Such a wonderful film. Didn't regret waiting to see it for months. :)
Not as detailed as the book, but was great enough to lighten up my Sunday morning.  

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Oliver Audition!!

Started the day with an audition for next term production "Oliver Twist", MP3 children showed that they have great potential for both acting and singing. MP3 teachers possibly will have a hard time choosing main characters. :)
Well done to all children who took part in the audition!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Dragons Den

After much hard work and practicing, Year 6 presented their fairground rides to the Dragons this morning, hoping to get some investment for further work on their rides.
Overall, Year 6 children had done a great job at persuading the Dragons. There were persuasive pitches, great presentations and amazing attitude. The Dragons had a hard time deciding where to put their investment into. Well done everyone!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Earthquake at TX

Monday started as calmly and gently as any other Mondays. announcement exploded that TX was being hit by an earthquake. Children frantically scrambled under tables and tried to protect themselves.
The earthquake ended with everyone still safe and sound. Thanks to the Y4 earthquake "experts", who came to our class last week and intructed us what to do during an earthquake. :)